This report gives a snapshot of just some of our coalition’s pivotal successes that give us hope and vigor, particularly as we embark upon our new 5-year Strategic Program.
The Interlaken Group developed this Guide to support companies aiming to align their operations with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security.
Companies may face operational, legal, and financial risks when operating or investing in locations where land rights are disputed or where tenure rights are not understood and respected. Perhaps more importantly, community access and rights to livelihoods and economic security may be negatively impacted by such investments. This paper illustrates how selected companies are implementing commitments to international best practices on land rights. Given that the companies referenced in this paper are in the process of developing and improving ways to address land tenure rights, the cases ought to be viewed as examples of emerging company experiences, which can contribute to establishing best practices.
Just over a decade ago, several forest agency leaders from around the world met in Beijing, China at a conference convened by the Rights and Resources…
The annual review of the state of rights and resources, 2015-2016. Ten years ago, it was a struggle to make indigenous and community rights part…
Washington, D.C. (17 April, 2014)—A new policy brief released by the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), Oxfam, and the Secretariat of the International Land Coalition…
This report—a follow-up to our 2010 investigation on Stora Enso’s land acquisition in China, which revealed violations of forest farmers’ property rights—assesses the company’s efforts…
Report from the Amazon Environmental Research Institute over REDD+ policies featuring research results and recommendations.
Press release detailing The State of the Forests of Papua New Guinea report released in May 2008 by the University of Papua New Guinea Remote…
¿Podemos ser autónomos? Pueblos indígenasvs. Estado en Latinoamérica reúne dos documentos: el primero” “Dilemas y desafíos de la autonomía territorial indígena en Latinoamérica” de Pablo…
May 2009 briefing on the protests of AIDESEP and other organizations in the Peruvian Amazon.
These are the opening remarks to participants at Conference on Forest Tenure and Regulatory Reforms: Experiences” Lessons and Future Steps in Asia. The remarks were…
A background paper for the conference "Towards a New Global Forest Agenda", held in Stockholm, Sweden in October 2007.