The work of the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Coalition supports—and is led by—the Indigenous, Afro-descendant, and community men and women who have been working to advance their rights for decades by helping to create an enabling environment for tenure reform. This work is long-term, leverages global connections to reach key governments and private sector actors, and paves the way for successful implementation of land rights.
By engaging often disparate groups, the Coalition helps ensure the institution of community tenure legislation where none exists and improves implementation of existing, yet unenforced policies.
RRI prioritizes country-level involvement where there is both strategic political opportunity for substantial reform, and strong demand from credible local civil-society organizations and governments that are able to engage in and support such reform.
Fostering collective action and new commitments
Each year, the Coalition responds to priorities identified via an annual planning process, complementing and adding value to existing initiatives and ensuring that community, Afro-descendant, and Indigenous organizations are better connected and supported. Tying organizations into networks and coalitions at the national and regional levels has strengthened communities’ collective reach and power, and has contributed to concrete reforms in key countries such as Peru, Liberia, DRC, Colombia, China, and Indonesia.
Addressing unforeseen threats and opportunities with rapid response funding
Not all opportunities to spur progress can be mapped out in advance. The Strategic Response Mechanism complements the Coalition’s annual planning process by allowing for rapid response to unforeseen and time-limited windows of opportunity to shift political landscapes with quick-release funding of up to US$50,000.
Learn more about RRI’s work in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the global arena.